Wednesday, February 10, 2016

U.S. Supreme Court Blocks Obama's Clean Power Plan

On Wednesday,  February 9, 2016 THE TEXAS TRIBUNE published an article titled,
U.S. Supreme Court Blocks Obama's Clean Power Plan.

The article states that on Tuesday the U.S. Supreme court granted a request from Texas and more than two dozen other states to block President Obama's Clean Power Plan. Texas along with West Virginia are leading the charge against President Obama's plan.  The reason that Texas and other states are fighting this is because they say that this plan will push electricity costs too high and that the alternative source of energy would be unreliable.  Not only that they are saying that many jobs would be lost.

"The Clean Power Plan is stayed pending disposition of the applicants' petitions for review in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit,"  Without the stay States would have until Sept. 6 to submit final compliance plans or apply for an extension."

Obviously environmental groups are upset about the decision.  While people like Ken Paxton (Texas Attorney) see this as a victory.  The reason Ken Stated that this is a victory is because of the Americans who feared for the jobs and electric bills sky rocketing.

First of all I can understand that following this Clean Power Plan would put some Americans out of the job.  While I understand this, change is always hard.  But the fact of the matter is Coal power is one of the main causes of major pollution today.  I would rather live in a clean world that is not affected by climate change and pay a little higher bill than the alternative... no world at all.

I would be very interested in finding out exactly how expensive our electricity bills would be after the alternative energy grids were up as well.  They could simply be saying our bills would sky rocket simply to scare us into agreeing with them.  Also these new grids could work well with Tesla's new powerwall (  My point is there is always new and better ways of doing things.

Overall I think this is a very interesting article to read and follow up on because this has consequences for all of us.

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