Thursday, May 5, 2016

Texans support a Statewide "Clean Energy" Plan

    This article will be about an article from The Texas Tribune titled Survey: Texans Supporting a Statewide "Clean Energy" Plan.  After President Obama's Clean Power Plan was stopped in in tracks, a survey finds that most Texans want their leaders to draw up plans for a shift to clean or renewable power.  This is even if the state wins the carbon dioxide-slashing regulations. The article says that the survey was conducted by two Republicans who planed and conducted this survey with more than 800 registered Texan voters on behalf of the Texas Clean Energy Coalition which is a group that supports natural gas, solar and wind energy.  This survey offered interesting insight to how Texans view on the energy policies in this state versus the views of the states politicians on the issue of how Texas energy should be run. 

   The findings of this survey are as follows:  

- 85% of Texans (including 81% of Republicans) believe that Texas should create its own clean energy plan no matter what. 

- Texans define "clean energy" as wind, solar and natural gas sources. 

- Only 14 percent have seen, read or heard of the Clean Power Plan.

- "Most Texans opposed the federal regulation when informed of one of the basic sticking points in the debate: whether Washington or the states should shape energy policy.  In that case, just 41 percent said the Clean Power Plan was a good idea, and 55 percent considered it a bad idea. Only 17 percent of Republicans backed the regulation."  

- "Most Texans - 69% - believe leaders should construct a proposal to comply with the Clean Power Plan in case the state loses its court battle."

The CEC said that this should help with a push in the Texas Legislature to add more renewable and clean energy sources to the grid. 

Opponents to the Clean Power Plan said that the survey should have included more questions like how this shift would affect power prices and the reliability of the power grid. 

"The CPP (Clean Power Plan), is Obama's most ambitious effort to combat climate change, would require states to slash carbon dioxide emissions from power plants however they see fit."

If Obama's CPP wins it would mean that Texas would have to cut an annual average of 51 million tons of emissions. 

     Honestly I dont see how that is a bad thing.  Whats the point of continuing to provide us with energy if in the following years the earth is a barren wast land anyways.... I just love how big corporations will battle tooth and nail for every single penny they can get no matter what the consequences.  The funny thing is most of the public do not realize what has happened to us.  The big corporations have turned us all into consumers totally dependent on the government and the big corporations such as the energy corporation and make billions if not trillions in the process.